(Photo: Harald M. Valderhaug)
During the 2022 Offshore Northern Seas (“ONS”) event, more than 65 000 visitors from around 100 countries gather in Stavanger. ONS assembles high-profile decision-makers as well as global influencers who are engaged in the world’s energy discussion. ONS believes in an informed and sustainable public debate on energy and works to involve the wider public. A majority of these debates are communicated and broadcast and to better inform the public via social media, press coverage, and in-house publications.
This year we are excited to welcome a delegation from Alberta, Canada to ONS 2022. Mr. Mario Krpan the Director of Trade Relations in Europe from the government of Alberta (division of Jobs, Economy and Innovation) is planning the last details for their visit to Stavanger and ONS. The Embassy of Canada will hold a reception in Stavanger for the delegation, which the CNBA will also be represented at.
Mr Mario Krpan has stated the following for us “A delegation of seven Alberta companies is coming to ONS. This will be the first time an Alberta delegation is participating in the conference. The primary purpose of their visit is to showcase their companies’ products, services and innovative solutions in hydrogen and CCUS applications. The companies look forward to meeting and discussing opportunities with their Norwegian counterparts and international delegates.”
We at the CNBA look forward to seeing you at the ONS in Stavanger 2022!